قسم العلوم والتكنولوجيا

Mission Statement

The science department directs the learners to appreciate the importance of science in life and value its role in emphasizing Faith in Allah, while developing themselves as passionate self-directed learners and lifelong scientific inquirers who take the responsibility of improving the world they live in effectively.

Knowledge Outcomes

Value the importance of science in life

Explore and describe events, living and non-living things, and natural phenomena

Express the scientific concepts with proper and logical scientific language and vocabulary

Skills Outcomes

Develop inquiry-based learning (scientific method) (identify problem, analyse it, experiment, record and collect data, interpret data, and make meanings out of it)

Develop metacognitive abilities and reflection on what students have learnt, how they have learnt, the purposes behind inquires, and the growth skills they developed

Share the learning with others and construct knowledge collectively

Connect to previous learning, new learning, real life experiences, and other disciplines

Combine, synthesize, and transform ideas and solutions to new unpredictable and innovative final products

Design prototypes following the engineering design process and the STEM approach for solving community needs

Develop research skills and independent investigations for further questioning and ongoing learning

Values outcomes

Reflect on the creation of Allah swt and His signs in human bodies, other living and non-living things, and the universe

Respect and appreciate the work of old and new scientists in the cumulative process of science development and knowledge construction

Frame personal responses, acknowledge others’ perspectives, and provide appropriate and constructive feedback

Develop the belief that students are effective and responsible towards themselves, the society, wider community, and the globe